Data retention policy
Currently 15Five retains all customer data for the life of the account (with an additional 90 day grace period to prevent accidental deletion of customer data). 15Five's application does include utilities to allow for the Data Subject deletion requests as required by worldwide data privacy and protection regulation.
It is possible to extend 90 day grace period by specifing a flag for an account upon customer request.
Data archiving and removal policy
Currently 15Five retains all customer data for the life of the account (with an additional 90 day grace period to prevent accidental deletion of customer data). 15Five's application does include utilities to allow for the Data Subject deletion requests as required by worldwide data privacy and protection regulation.
It is possible to extend 90 day grace period by specifing a flag for an account upon customer request.
Data storage policy
15Five has AES-256 block encryption enabled all storage medium used in our production environment. We also encrypt sensitive customer data on the row level as it enters our database layer using an AES Cipher Feedback algorithm and 256-bit key unique to the company.
Data hosting details
Cloud hosted
App/service has sub-processors
Guidelines for sub-processors