Turn Slack into an app updates monitor and reply-to-user-reviews tool for the App Store, Google Play, Mac App Store, Windows Store, and Amazon.
Monitor your app's critical data, receive user reviews, and respond to them directly in Slack. Set up different channels for different updates so your data is structured and each team receives only what they need.
With AppFollow's Slack app you can:
:incoming_envelope: Aggregate app data, reviews, downloads and sales from 5 major app stores in your Slack
:arrow_right: Respond to iOS, Android, and Amazon reviews right in Slack without any redirection to app stores
:money_with_wings: Track app sales & downloads
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Monitor app rating and keywords changes in automated ASO reports
:eyes: Track competitors’ updates and reviews
:shopping_bags: Monitor and respond to Amazon product reviews (NEW!)
AppFollow does not use any Slack team emails collected when the app is installed to send emails to those users.