Data retention policy
All data is retained within our systems only when there is a continued and valid reason to store
or process the data.
- Customers and users have the right to request for deletion of their information by making a
request. This request must be made by the customer or user.
- In the event that a data deletion request is received, TeamOhana assesses the authenticity of the request and decide the legitimacy of the request made.
Data archiving and removal policy
- In the event that a data deletion request is received, TeamOhana assesses the authenticity of the request and decide the legitimacy of the request made. For example, after a customer has
canceled their contract with TeamOhana, Inc. and requested for deletion of their data, TeamOhana obliges the request.
Data storage policy
TeamOhana classifies data into the following types
1. Public
- This is data or information that can be shared with any person, organization, or system
regardless of their relationship with TeamOhana, Inc.. This classification is not limited to data or
information that is meant for public consumption but includes any data or information that requires no special handling, or any kind of safeguarding from disclosure. The distribution of such data does not expose its customers, or its partners to any harm.
Examples of public data: Product blog, Company product website, Press releases, Company
marketing collateral, Careers page, etc.
2. Company confidential
- This is data and information that should not be made generally available. Unauthorized access or disclosure could cause significant financial or material loss, risk of harm to TeamOhana, Inc. if
exposed to unauthorised parties, break contractual obligations, and/or adversely impact its partners, employees, and eventually its customers. Such information is to be protected from
unauthorised access or changes. Company confidential data should only be accessible to pre-
authorised staff members. Note that access to such data can also be limited to specific staff members or groups of staff members (like executives, human resources, legal teams, etc).
Examples of Company confidential data: Employee salaries, Legal documents, Internal product
specifications, customer lists, Strategy documents, internal roadmaps, design documents, Internal
memos or emails, etc.
3. Customer confidential
- Customer confidential data is the data that, if accessed by unauthorized parties, may adversely affect TeamOhana, Inc.’s customers. This includes data that TeamOhana, Inc. is required to keep
confidential, either by law or under a customer agreement. We have to protect such information from not just unauthorized access but also unauthorized modification. Customer-confidential data should be safeguarded both when it is stored as well as being processed/used/transmitted.
Unauthorized access to such data can potentially violate contractual confidentiality agreements with customers, cause a security incident, or affect TeamOhana, Inc.’s customer and industry confidence.
Examples of Customer confidential data: Data provided by customers by the way of using our system, information of users of customer accounts, personally identifiable information of customers (or customer’s customers), etc.
4. Personal Data
- Personal data is one that, if accessed by unauthorised parties, may adversely affect the privacy of individuals. Personal Data refers to any data that relates to an identified or identifiable individual or person. This includes data that TeamOhana, Inc. is required to safeguard, either by law (GDPR for EU citizen personal data) or under a customer agreement. We have to protect such information from not just unauthorised access but also unauthorised modification. Private data should be safeguarded both when it is stored as well as being processed/used/transmitted.
Unauthorised access to such data can potentially violate the law, break contractual data protection agreements with customers, cause a security incident, or affect TeamOhana, Inc.’s customer and industry confidence.
Examples of Person Data: Name, Email, Phone number, IP Address, Political views of individuals, etc.
Data center location(s)
United States
Data hosting details
AWS Cloud
App/service has sub-processors