Absence management has become easy with Simplest Tracker!
Simplest Tracker is the fastest and easiest way to manage vacations, sick leaves, day-offs, and more.
It's the ultimate tool for planning and keeping track of your time off
Simplifying leave tracking for everyone - that's what we do!!!
Here's what you can expect:
:memo: Create multiple leave requests: Manage multiple kinds of leave requests that suit your team best.
:computer: Simple to learn and use: We made sure that all the functions are easy to learn and use right away.
:busts_in_silhouette: Teams management: Create and manage different teams for better control and management.
:male-office-worker: User management: Manage settings for each teammate individually.
:white_check_mark: Transparent Approval: Add and observe comments to decisions and leave no place for misunderstandings.
:date: Transfer unused leaves from one year to the next.
:lock: Information protection: All private user information is protected at the highest level.
:iphone: Availability: Simplest Tracker is easy to use on PCs, tablets, or smartphones. Anytime and anywhere.
:robot_face: Slack-friendly: Meet our bot for Slack that will help you create a leave request with a few clicks...
:bulb: … and many-many other useful features to make the process as easy as possible.
If you’re new to Slack be sure to create your own working space before using our Simplest Tracker.
It’s super easy. Here’s what you need to do:
Go to
Enter your email address and click Continue, or continue with Apple or Google.
Check your email for a confirmation code.
Enter your code, then click Create a Workspace and follow the prompts.
That’s it! Welcome to Slack!
If you’re already a Slack User and have a workspace then:
Click on the «Connect to Slack» button and allow our bot to access your workspace
Configure your company details
Invite your team members to join you
When using our bot for the first time, send him this command /go
Done! Now if you want to request a leave, press the «Request a leave» button in our Simplest Tracker bot and fill in the needed data.
Say goodbye to Excel sheets and Google Docs, and hello to Simplest Tracker!